Friday, February 27, 2009

I'm Disgusted!

I just received an email from the vet hospital where I was SUPPOSED to start my externship last week. Apparently the powers that be have decided that my school requires "too much" documentation and proof for them. The upshot is that sorry, I can't have you do your externship here. Sorry, that you spent your precious money on scrubs that we asked you to buy before you could start your externship. Sorry, that you will now have to spend more precious money that you don't have because you are not working, on an extension for your semester, because since you can't do your externship here, you have to locate another vet hospital that wants you. Sorry, we really tried hard for you but we just can't have our policies violated like that. 


Right now "sorry" isn't cutting it for me. I was really looking forward to doing my externship, some intelligent conversation, some educational activities, a reason to get out of bed in the morning. 

I'm pretty disgusted. Now I have to start the process over again from the beginning and hope that another hospital doesn't find my school's requirements too strenuous.
This does not bode well for a happy March.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A Few Hours Of Friendship

On the spur of the moment, I spent a few hours with a friend that I have known since high school. We've reconnected on FaceBook, the source of all things from the past.....prior to that I had seen him a few years ago at his Dad's wake. Needless to say, neither of us were not very chatty that day. 
Today we calculated that the last time we really hung out together was 27 years ago! I can't wrap my mind around the fact that I know someone for that long of a time. 
You know how sometimes you hang with a person and there are awkward silences, or stilted conversation? There was none of that today. After we talked for a few moments, it was like hanging out back in the day..comfortable, interesting, fun. We both learned new things about each other, and talked about our past also. Even though it was only for a couple hours, it was time well spent. I am grateful for friends in my life, and flattered that I am a person that these people want to spend time with. 
Even though life gets in the way of making many plans, it is nice to enjoy friendship when the planets align. 
As we said our goodbyes, we promised not to wait another 27 years to meet up again. I'm sure that will be a promise that is easy to keep.

Monday, February 23, 2009

My Dad

I think about my Dad every day. He passed away on June 25, 2005..a day that I wish never happened. I was lucky enough to see him for Father's Day, 7 days before he left me. As I was leaving my parent's house, my Mom told me to give my Dad an extra hug, just because. I hugged him and squeezed him tight. I can still feel him hugging me back to this day. That was the last time I saw him alive and conscious. I don't know what possessed my Mom to tell me that but I am glad she did..because a week later he was in the hospital in a coma. I was there by his side as he slipped away, but I'm not sure if he knew I was there. 
I wish he was still here for me to talk to, to give me strength as I go through difficult times. I want to tell him about my return to school, and my change of career. I want to ask him about his childhood and his life before I was born. 
I am grateful for the time that we had together, over 40 years..but it still was not enough. I think about him every day and miss him terribly. 
He was a very strong person, a hard worker, and full of love for me and my Mom. He was also very generous..a fact that was reinforced at his wake. Many people came up to me with stories about how he helped them out with cash, food, or just a shoulder to cry on. I was amazed at this other side of him, the one that others saw and now I was privy to. 
I can only hope that his spirit sees me somehow and he is still proud of me and my accomplishments. Towards the end of his life he was full of aches and pains, in and out of the hospital, and I cannot imagine going through what he did. I am not as strong as he was.
My Mom has dealt with his loss very well. I believe that we both gave each other strength in the first days after his passing, and our relationship has grown since those days. That is food for another posting, however. 
I am proud to be my father's daughter...and I realize that the hole in my heart will never heal, but the love that I was given will always be there inside me.
To my Dad, wherever you are: Thank you for being my "Daddy"...I love you.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

A Quiet Day

Today was kind of rainy and cold..a good day to stay inside. I had written myself a "to-do" list yesterday, since this was the first Sunday that I had no football game to watch and no plans. (Last week I visited my Mom so I was busy all day.)
I vacuumed, folded laundry, spent a good part of the day on FaceBook chatted with friends, painted my toenails (blue!) and watched my taped episode of Hell's Kitchen. All in all, a productive day.
Tomorrow I have more things to do: I have to make an appointment to get my Schnauzer groomed and most importantly; I have to contact my doctor to get a note allowing me to complete my externship for school. Due to my back issues, the hospital requires medical clearance. 
Tuesday I plan to contact the equine clinic and discuss any positions they may have. I was a good applicant and faxed a thank you letter over to them last Friday. Now I just have to wait and see how things pan out and what the future has in store for me. 

Thursday, February 19, 2009

More Interview News

I woke up today with my pain about a 5 on the pain scale. Usually when it gets to 5 or 6 I take a pain pill. I chose not to this morning, since I wanted to be sharp for the interview. First I spoke to the person who is going to be my proctor for my practicum. I can start as early as next week, I need to buy charcoal gray scrubs (to designate me as a student) and can complete the whole thing in 9 weeks. I'm planning to do my thing Sunday-Tuesday, which would leave the rest of the week open for work or any extra school stuff (and there is plenty..lots of essays to write about the practicum).
I toured the lab, was shown what I would be doing there, and lots of people came up to hug me & say hello. It was good to be missed! They were all excited when I told them I would be back for school. When I heard what the salary would be, I was a bit hesitant about this job. I think the hours would be 4 pm to 2 am, and besides that, I have to drive 45 minutes to get there. 3 days a week for school is enough driving! There is a vet hospital 5 minutes from my house looking for a tech, I will be putting my resume in there tomorrow.
I got home and I really didn't feel all that well. My back was hurting and I was anxious...I was tired...I got into my sweat pants and got on the couch to watch TV. I fell asleep for about an hour or so, then got up to eat dinner that my husband thoughtfully made for me.
I don't know if I'm not feeling well because my meds are making me feel that way, or if the prospect of going back to work scares me, or if the pain is wearing me out...or what.
I may just do my school thing for a few weeks to see what happens to me mentally and physically. That way I don't start something I can't finish.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Today's Job Interview

The day went well for me, even though I had to get up at the ungodly hour of 6am...something I haven't done for about a year..I'm SO tired right now~
The upshot is: I can't do the job I interviewed for because of my back, I need to be in perfect (or at least much better) physical condition to handle that job, much to my sadness and chagrin. However, the bright spot is that I was (obliquely) offered a position inside, answering phones, handling lab work, rotating stock of medications, etc.
I'm to call the clinic next week after I have my interview tomorrow, after I compare & contrast. The only issue is that we didn't discuss salary, hours, nothing relevant like that. This place is much closer and smaller than the hospital I'm going to tomorrow, but there would be more things I would be exposed to at the hospital.
I can choose between small, cosy, relaxed and close VS busy, more opportunities to learn & maybe new positions in the future.
 So as you can see there are many variables for me to ponder!
I will blog again tomorrow after my hospital interview.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Job Interview!

I've been communicating with the vet hospital by email yesterday & today..and today's mail was very exciting. I found out that they want me to come in to interview for a lab position on Thursday (good news) and that they will be charging students $1/hour for any practicum time they need (semi bad news, that means I have to come up with $225..but I can get this practicum OVER WITH finally).
I will kill 2 birds with one stone, when I interview I will also meet with the nursing director to firm up my school plans. I'm excited but also nervous. I haven't worked in almost a year. I hope I don't have an anxiety attack during my interview! 
My back has been hurting me, I really don't need it to be acting up just when I'm trying to get my life back on track either. 
I have an interview of sorts tomorrow, with an ambulatory equine vet. I was hoping that I could work off the books while I did my school thing...but I don't know if they would do that. I will have to blog tomorrow about the results of that interview, then compare & contrast (just like in high school English class) it with Thursday's interview.

I hope I can get through all this.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Update on Practicum

I finally heard back from the director of nursing in regards to my practicum! She said she was going to discuss it with the powers that be over there at the vet hospital, and get back to me by this friday. Things are a-changing over there; they are making the students PAY for the learning experience, and I cannot use the vet that I was planning to use for my proctor. In any case, this is a step forward, since I have to complete the practicum before May or else my time runs out for the semester. 
There may also be a position open at the hospital, I would be a good fit since there is no lifting involved. I hope to hear back from someone this week about that as well.
My anxiety levels were up a little last week and this week, it could be that things are getting ready to change again in my life and I'm nervous; or it could just be the chemicals inside me making their presence known. I really hope I can do my schooling without incident, I don't want to be having a panic attack at an inopportune moment (not that there is a GOOD time for one).
Other than that, there is really nothing going on in my life right now..every day is the same, like Groundhog Day (I hate that movie but it sums up what I'm going through right now).
I hope to be able to blog about new and happy things by the end of this week!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Work Worries

My orthopedic surgeon wants to hold off on my back surgery, since my pain is getting better. He encouraged me to get back to work to see how my back (and the rest of me) holds up. So, I contacted my former place of employment, a large veterinary hospital where I was a tech. I left 2 messages with the HR director. No response. Yesterday I spoke to the vet whom I used to assist, and she told me they just hired someone to be her tech. Wonderful. Well, I still want to work there, so I contacted the personnel director, who, thankfully, answered her phone. She told me they were cutting back on jobs, there "may" be an opportunity for me, but nothing in the tech department, since lifting is contraindicated for me. 
This was very disheartening! I left a good job to go back to school to become a tech and work with animals, and now I find out that the only chance for me to work at this hospital would be in a non-animal job. 
Last night I thought of another option. I am supposed to be doing my practicum for school now, I was gearing up for it when my back went out. I emailed the personnel director with the request that I be allowed to complete my practicum there, then I could consider the other positions, should there be one available to me. Once I'm done with my practicum I would start my 2nd year of vet tech school.
Hopefully I will hear from her in a day or 2. In the meantime, I'm shocked at the state of the nation, that there are no jobs available and the resulting cut backs we all have to make. 
It's a cruel irony that I was told when I left that they would welcome me back, that I was a wonderful employee...only to be (almost) given the brush off now in these turbulent times.

I'm not truly ready to go to another place to work, since I'm still sorting out my depression and anxiety issues. Doing my practicum would slowly slide me back into a work environment and perhaps make me feel better as well.

I will keep you posted on my work progress.